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This function helps format standard location fields like longitude and latitude point coordinates to a tibble using Darwin Core Standard.

It differs from set_coordinates() by accepting sf geometry columns of class POINTas coordinates (rather than numeric lat/lon coordinates). The advantage of using an sf geometry is that the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) is automatically formatted into the required geodeticDatum column.


set_coordinates_sf(.df, geometry = NULL, .keep = "unused")



A data.frame or tibble that the column should be appended to.


The latitude/longitude coordinates as sf POINT class


Control which columns from .data are retained in the output. Note that unlike dplyr::mutate(), which defaults to "all" this defaults to "unused"; i.e. only keeps Darwin Core columns, and not those columns used to generate them.


A tibble with the requested columns added/reformatted.

See also

set_coordinates() for providing numeric coordinates, set_locality() for providing text-based spatial information.


df <- tibble::tibble(
  scientificName = c("Crinia Signifera", "Crinia Signifera", "Litoria peronii"),
  latitude = c(-35.27, -35.24, -35.83),
  longitude = c(149.33, 149.34, 149.34),
  eventDate = c("2010-10-14", "2010-10-14", "2010-10-14")
  ) |>
  sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("longitude", "latitude")) |>

# Reformat columns to Darwin Core Standard terms.
# Coordinates and CRS are automatically detected and reformatted.
df |>
#> ⠙ Checking 1 column: geometry
#>  Checking 1 column: geometry [310ms]
#>  Converted geometrydecimalLongitude, decimalLatitude, and geodeticDatum.
#> Warning: geometry dropped from data frame.
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#>   scientificName   eventDate  decimalLongitude decimalLatitude geodeticDatum
#> * <chr>            <chr>                 <dbl>           <dbl> <chr>        
#> 1 Crinia Signifera 2010-10-14             149.           -35.3 EPSG:4326    
#> 2 Crinia Signifera 2010-10-14             149.           -35.2 EPSG:4326    
#> 3 Litoria peronii  2010-10-14             149.           -35.8 EPSG:4326