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This function helps format standard date/time columns in a tibble using Darwin Core Standard. Users should make use of the lubridate package to format their dates so corella can read them correctly.

In practice this is no different from using mutate(), but gives some informative errors, and serves as a useful lookup for how spatial fields are represented in the Darwin Core Standard.


  eventDate = NULL,
  year = NULL,
  month = NULL,
  day = NULL,
  eventTime = NULL,
  .keep = "unused",
  .messages = TRUE



A data.frame or tibble that the column should be appended to.


The date or date + time that the observation/event occurred.


The year of the observation/event.


The month of the observation/event.


The day of the observation/event.


The time of the event. Use this term for Event data. Date + time information for observations is accepted in eventDate.


Control which columns from .data are retained in the output. Note that unlike dplyr::mutate(), which defaults to "all" this defaults to "unused"; i.e. only keeps Darwin Core fields, and not those fields used to generate them.


(logical) Should informative messages be shown? Defaults to TRUE.


A tibble with the requested columns added/reformatted.


Example values are:

  • eventDate should be class Date or POSITct. We suggest using the lubridate package to define define your date format using functions like ymd(), mdy, dmy(), or if including date + time, ymd_hms(), ymd_hm(), or ymd_h().


df <- tibble::tibble(
  name = c("Crinia Signifera", "Crinia Signifera", "Litoria peronii"),
  latitude = c(-35.27, -35.24, -35.83),
  longitude = c(149.33, 149.34, 149.34),
  date = c("2010-10-14", "2010-10-14", "2010-10-14"),
  time = c("10:08:12", "13:01:45", "14:02:33")

# Use the lubridate package to format date + time information
# eventDate accepts date + time
df |>
    eventDate = lubridate::ymd_hms(paste(date, time))
#> ⠙ Checking 1 column: eventDate
#> ⠹ Checking 1 column: eventDate
#>  Checking 1 column: eventDate [316ms]
#> # A tibble: 3 × 4
#>   name             latitude longitude eventDate          
#>   <chr>               <dbl>     <dbl> <dttm>             
#> 1 Crinia Signifera    -35.3      149. 2010-10-14 10:08:12
#> 2 Crinia Signifera    -35.2      149. 2010-10-14 13:01:45
#> 3 Litoria peronii     -35.8      149. 2010-10-14 14:02:33