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Identify or format columns that contain information about an Event. An "Event" in Darwin Core Standard refers to an action that occurs at a place and time. Examples include:

  • A specimen collecting event

  • A survey or sampling event

  • A camera trap image capture

  • A marine trawl

  • A camera trap deployment event

  • A camera trap burst image event (with many images for one observation)

In practice this function is used no differently from mutate(), but gives users some informative errors, and serves as a useful lookup for fields in the Darwin Core Standard.


  eventID = NULL,
  eventType = NULL,
  parentEventID = NULL,
  .keep = "unused",
  .keep_composite = "all"



A data.frame or tibble that the column should be appended to.


A unique identifier for an individual Event.


The type of Event


The parent event under which one or more Events sit within.


Control which columns from .df are retained in the output. Note that unlike dplyr::mutate(), which defaults to "all" this defaults to "unused"; i.e. only keeps Darwin Core columns, and not those columns used to generate them.


Control which columns from .df are kept when composite_id() is used to assign values to eventID, defaulting to "all". This has a different default from .keep because composite identifiers often contain information that is valuable in other contexts, meaning that deleting these columns by default is typically unwise.


A tibble with the requested fields added/reformatted.


Each Event requires a unique eventID and eventType (because there can be several types of Events in a single dataset), along with a parentEventID which specifies the level under which the current Event sits (e.g., An individual location's survey event ID, which is one of several survey locations on a specific day's set of surveys ie the parentEvent).

Examples of eventID values:

  • INBO:VIS:Ev:00009375

Examples of eventType values:

  • Sample

  • Observation

  • Survey

  • Site Visit

  • Deployment See more examples on

Examples of parentEventID A1 (To identify the parent event in nested samples, each with their own eventID - A1_1, A1_2)


# example Event dataframe
df <- tibble::tibble(
  site_code = c("AMA100", "AMA100", "AMH100"),
  scientificName = c("Crinia signifera", "Crinia signifera", "Crinia signifera"),
  latitude = c(-35.275, -35.274, -35.101),
  longitue = c(149.001, 149.004, 149.274),

# Add event information
df |>
    eventID = composite_id(sequential_id(),
    eventType = "Survey"
#> ⠙ Checking 2 columns: eventID and eventType
#>  Checking 2 columns: eventID and eventType [617ms]
#> # A tibble: 3 × 6
#>   site_code scientificName   latitude longitue eventID        eventType
#>   <chr>     <chr>               <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>          <chr>    
#> 1 AMA100    Crinia signifera    -35.3     149. 01-AMA100-year Survey   
#> 2 AMA100    Crinia signifera    -35.3     149. 02-AMA100-year Survey   
#> 3 AMH100    Crinia signifera    -35.1     149. 03-AMH100-year Survey