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In some field methods, it is common to observe more than one individual per observation; to observe abundance using non-integer measures such as mass or area; or to seek individuals but not find them (abundance of zero). As these approaches use different DwC terms, this function assists in specifying abundances in a flexible way.


  individualCount = NULL,
  organismQuantity = NULL,
  organismQuantityType = NULL,
  .keep = "unused"



a data.frame or tibble that the column should be appended to.


The number of individuals present


A number or enumeration value for the quantity of organisms. Used together with organismQuantityType to provide context.


The type of quantification system used for organismQuantity.


Control which columns from .data are retained in the output. Note that unlike dplyr::mutate(), which defaults to "all" this defaults to "unused"; i.e. only keeps Darwin Core fields, and not those fields used to generate them.


A tibble with the requested fields (see details).


Examples of organismQuantity & organismQuantityType values:

  • 27 (organismQuantity) individuals (organismQuantityType)

  • 12.5 (organismQuantity) % biomass (organismQuantityType)

  • r (organismQuantity) Braun-Blanquet Scale (organismQuantityType)

  • many (organismQuantity) individuals (organismQuantityType)


df <- tibble::tibble(
  species_name = c("Cacatua (Licmetis) tenuirostris",
                   "Cacatua (Licmetis) tenuirostris",
                   "Cacatua (Licmetis) tenuirostris"),
  n_obs = c(1, 3, 4)

df |>
  use_abundance(individualCount = n_obs)
#> ⠙ Checking 1 column: individualCount
#>  Checking 1 column: individualCount [310ms]
#> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#>   species_name                    individualCount
#>   <chr>                                     <dbl>
#> 1 Cacatua (Licmetis) tenuirostris               1
#> 2 Cacatua (Licmetis) tenuirostris               3
#> 3 Cacatua (Licmetis) tenuirostris               4